Why Targeted Traffic Matters More Than Just Traffic
Have you ever heard the saying “practice makes perfect”? That’s not necessarily true; if you’re practicing incorrectly, you’ll never get better. Perfect practice makes perfect. In the same way, just getting any traffic isn’t valuable. Targeted traffic is where the value comes from. You can have millions of visitors hitting your site on a daily basis. But if none of them ever purchase your product or service, then you’re just paying a lot of money for pretty Google Analytics numbers.
That’s why it’s vital to ensure that any digital marketing campaign that is part of your strategy generates mostly targeted traffic. If you sat down with any salesperson and asked them about the most important aspect in their day-to-day work, they’d all indicate that it’s generating qualified sales leads—and that’s what getting targeted traffic is all about.
Targeted traffic is simply traffic that has been qualified. That means visitors hitting your website or landing page are proven to be likely to be searching for the product or service you have on your site. Getting this type of traffic should be the primary goal of your entire digital marketing strategy.
Targeted Traffic Has Superior Conversion Rates
The single best—and most obvious—reason your digital marketing campaign needs to attract targeted traffic is because it offers better conversion rates than untargeted traffic. And conversion is the end goal of driving traffic for any business. As previously mentioned, you might have a lot of traffic hitting your website every day. But if they don’t convert into sales or leads at a rate that lets you recoup your investment, then your hard work and marketing dollars are just going up in smoke.
Targeted traffic has superior conversion rates because it requires that the people visiting your website already have an interest in the product or service you supply—and are thus more likely to buy. You might have just a tiny trickle of traffic hitting your site; but if they’re the right people, then they’re worth paying for.
Targeted Traffic Is Necessary to Achieve a Profitable ROI
Creating a PPC (pay-per-click) ad campaign can be a highly effective strategy for getting targeted traffic to your landing pages or website. PPC, however, does require monetary investment. So if your campaign generates traffic that does not result in a sufficient number of sales, it will be a failure and cost you time and money.
With targeted traffic that actually converts, you can achieve a higher—and faster—return on your PPC campaigns. As you learn which traffic converts the best, that will enable you to more quickly launch better, bigger, and more effective campaigns.
Here’s a simple example. Imagine you are selling a $50 product through your website, and you have a PPC campaign set up to market it online. If you pay $0.50 per click, you will need a conversion rate of 1% just to break even. So for every 1,000 site visitors, you would need at least 10 people to buy your product before you begin to make money off of your PPC campaign. Since targeted traffic increases the conversion rate, it gives you a higher ROI.
Here’s a simple way to think about what you’ve read so far:
Non-Targeted Traffic = Lower Conversion Rates = Lower Sales = Lower ROI
Targeted Traffic = Higher Conversion Rates = Higher Sales = Higher ROI
Targeted Traffic Is Good for Your Brand
Internet users are constantly looking for information relevant to their needs. More often than not, though, they get directed to a website (either through a Google search, social media posts, or by clicking on a PPC ad) only to find that it doesn’t have what they’re actually looking for. That makes them frustrated, and turns them off to these “useless” (in their minds) websites.
If, on the other hand, you are ensuring that the traffic you attract is targeted—they’re actively searching for the content, products, or services you provide—and your website delivers precisely what they need, then your visitors will be happy and satisfied. And more importantly, they’ll be happy to revisit your website regularly and share your site to their friends. This could be a good boost to your brand, which could see even more growth once your satisfied visitors tell other people about your website.
Targeted Traffic Sees More Repeat Sales
In the same vein, visitors who find what they need the first time they visit your website are more likely to return for a second and third time when they need it again. It’s human nature for people to trust only the brands, stores, and businesses they have successfully interacted with in the past. If your initial business transaction with a targeted visitor leaves them completely satisfied, they are likely to be willing to do business with you again—and this time, it won’t cost you anything for marketing. If you continue to provide them with excellent, high-quality content that is relevant to them, you will soon gain a tribe of raving fans that frequently visit your website, giving you more sales.
The most crucial part of your digital marketing campaign is generating the right kind of traffic—targeted traffic—to your landing pages or website, because this traffic will have a higher conversion rate. Even with hundreds, thousands, or even millions of site visitors, even with millions in sales, if your conversion rate is not high enough to break even on your marketing spend, you will eventually go broke.
So here’s the takeaway: focus on using only the digital marketing strategies and techniques that will generate targeted traffic for your product or service.
What are those strategies you might ask? Well, there is a game-changing book that just came out that you NEED to read… (and since you can get it for FREE, why not…right?)
When you know how to drive traffic, your business will be profitable!